Wanderlast - Murmurings testo lyric

01/09/2020 - 16:35 Scritto da Wanderlast Wanderlast 1


I'm stuck! Between two poles,
I writhe! In corrupted frames,
It’s just me, So let me go,
They don’t bleed, Well I do,
Down below my feet,
Combined vibrations flex on feels,
So I'm alive,
World's convictions start to collapse,
What if everything’s wrong,
What if one of these days I’ll be lost,
What if the universe is a god,
In a world we don’t belong,
In a lost old religion,
Blurry visions of the past,
wrong collision on the facts,
We’re just living in the same day,
Breakneck rotations of the earth,
self-harm from falls,
If you wanna save me,
Remember you’ll find me in the dark,
But don’t believe in the murmurings,
And I believe, In something clean,
No angels hymns,
You said enough, You sad enough,
Just pray for me, For liberty,
No garantyes,
don’t look down now, Don’t look down now,
If I doubt me, Who can I be?
I should stop thinking,
But now voices scream,
Please set me free,
I-I-I- don’t need to pray this time,
I'm awake, How long has it been?
locked in cages, find the keys,
They Judge me, But I’m alone,
Traits of faces in abstract dreams,
Wake me up, War is now,
You will se, down the hill,
Wake me up, Now it's the day,
You just say, You just say,
I don’t believe the murmurings,


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Murmurings di Wanderlast:


La canzone Murmurings si trova nell'album Wanderlast uscito nel 2020.

Copertina dell'album Wanderlast, di Wanderlast

L'articolo Wanderlast - Murmurings testo lyric di Wanderlast è apparso su Rockit.it il 2020-09-01 16:35:24


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