Aim - Love You, Red Irreverent! testo lyric

06/03/2020 - 08:49Scritto da Aim Aim26


Love you,
red irreverent!
you're like
a fucking time bomb
in my hands
ready to go off

Blowing up
everyone in here
I want you to know that
you're my number one
no-one is alright!

Were you with me
my world would be
perfectly going through the motions, dear
with you once again

When the same love
has been consumed
what will be left?
Nothing but
your skull
sucking cocks
in every-day hell

Who has ever taught you
that life ain't no tough?
who has ever told you
That you ain't no weak?

Stop telling me you're tired
when you
stop telling me you're tired
are dying

Love you,
red irreverent!
you're like
a fucking time bomb
in my hands
ready to go off

Blowing up
everyone in here
I want you to know that
you're my number one
no-one is alright!


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Love You, Red Irreverent! di Aim:


La canzone Love You, Red Irreverent! si trova nell'album Gravity uscito nel 2020 per Via Audio Records, Zimbalam.

Copertina dell'album Gravity, di Aim

L'articolo Aim - Love You, Red Irreverent! testo lyric di Aim è apparso su il 2020-03-06 08:49:22


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