AIN'T - Revolution Dogs testo lyric

23/04/2024 - 16:27 Scritto da AIN'T AIN'T 0


resistance calls from the side of the road
they come up with perverse thoughts
anti-nation toys, antisocial minds
the rage behind metallic barriers
eats metal off the rods
and becomes a candidate for the social call

in this game there’s something still familiar
cause everything is fake
they want to fuck you over everywhere
in this game, the same leash made of leather
and nothing left to remember
except that everything is just unfair
out there

throw them a bone
throw them a bone
throw them a bone in (throw them a bone in)
antisocial dogs
they can live on bones alone
throw them a bone
throw them a bone
throw them a bone in (throw them a bone in)
revolution dogs
they can live on bones alone

resistance calls from the side of the road
the straw dogs golden crowns
unconventionals, antisocial minds
a walk in the cage for bad behavior
what did it leave for them?
and what did It leave to them?
the same old rotten bone

in this game there’s something still familiar
cause everything is fake
they want to fuck you over everywhere
in this game they’re all so moralistic
never miss the chance to remember
how politically incorrect I am
out there

throw them a bone
throw them a bone
throw them a bone in (throw them a bone in)
antisocial dogs
they can live on bones alone
throw them a bone
throw them a bone
throw them a bone in (throw them a bone in)
revolution dogs
they can live on bones alone

throw them a bone
throw them a bone
throw them a bone in (throw them a bone in)
antisocial dogs
they can live on bones alone
throw them a bone
throw them a bone
throw them a bone in (throw them a bone in)
revolution dogs
they can live on bones alone


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Revolution Dogs di AIN'T:


Stefano D'Angelo


La canzone Revolution Dogs si trova nell'album The Rope Springs Eternal uscito nel 2024 per Distrokid.

Copertina dell'album The Rope Springs Eternal, di AIN'T

L'articolo AIN'T - Revolution Dogs testo lyric di AIN'T è apparso su il 2024-04-23 16:27:01


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