AIN'T - Spaghetti & Bullets testo lyric

23/04/2024 - 16:27 Scritto da AIN'T AIN'T 0


get your slice of colored dregs
add motherfuckin' people
that are creeping here from the fuckin' east
bury diamonds that shine underneath the shit
same ol' compromises that nobody has ever redeemed
get your guns out
shake down
seal off the scene
as somebody's gonna find all what I'll never be
show your Lamborghini, Ferrari, Maserati
as everything else’s gonna get fucked

fuck off!
you fuckin' shit!
fuck you!

destroy and reconstruct the bridges
embed the continents in the local scene
reconnect the people with new ways of fame
split the money and then pour all the remaining down the drain
get your guns out
shoot down
all can be free
to the detriment of some poor good refugee
choose your eminent figure and the leading speech
pay the recusants 'fore you get fucked

fuck off!
motherfuckin' shit!
fuck you!


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Spaghetti & Bullets di AIN'T:


Stefano D'Angelo


La canzone Spaghetti & Bullets si trova nell'album The Rope Springs Eternal uscito nel 2024 per Distrokid.

Copertina dell'album The Rope Springs Eternal, di AIN'T

L'articolo AIN'T - Spaghetti & Bullets testo lyric di AIN'T è apparso su il 2024-04-23 16:27:01


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