AIN'T - The Pit testo lyric

23/04/2024 - 16:27 Scritto da AIN'T AIN'T 0


I’m sick
again on my knees
ready to take on my responsibilities
I’m going down
the fetus of shame
is growing inside of me
inside of this fucking pit

I’m sick
sick of all this
ready to hate more
than I’ve ever done
before in this sickening pit
I’m climbing up
looking for a seat inside this world
outside this cultural dictatorship

I’ll never see the world outside
I’ll never see the outside world
I’ll never see the world outside
I’ll never see the outside world
I’ll never see the world outside
I’ll never see the outside world
I’ll never see the world outside
I’ll never see the outside world


Premi play per ascoltare il brano The Pit di AIN'T:


Stefano D'Angelo


La canzone The Pit si trova nell'album The Rope Springs Eternal uscito nel 2024 per Distrokid.

Copertina dell'album The Rope Springs Eternal, di AIN'T

L'articolo AIN'T - The Pit testo lyric di AIN'T è apparso su il 2024-04-23 16:27:01


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