A Lemon - Toy Song testo lyric

08/04/2020 - 11:28Scritto da A Lemon A Lemon1


Never had a chance
To see the real myself argue with someone
Never seen a man
Whose pointy teeth will make you wanna go by

Have you ever looked in the eyes at
What you thought it was your insides
To see there’s not that much down there

And what about the times you’re left
Alone again alone with your thoughts and
Nothing but your breath to be with

Do you know the cold
That kind of cold that warms you up inside
Are you feeling old
I know it’s early for it to be said

Now I keep on wondering why
I haven’t thought of this one before
It’s sad to know it’s always been there

And why no one has ever told me
To look around a way to be
I guess I wouldn’t had been the same


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Toy Song di A Lemon:


La canzone Toy Song si trova nell'album Green uscito nel 2020 per URTOVOX rec., Audioglobe.

Copertina dell'album Green, di A Lemon

L'articolo A Lemon - Toy Song testo lyric di A Lemon è apparso su Rockit.it il 2020-04-08 11:28:02


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