All You Can Hate - Choices (DEMO) testo lyric


I have dreams but I can't sleep,
I'm overstimulated
sometimes I sleep too much but I can't dream,
I think my brain is damaged

tell me what you're running from,
why would you rather be alone?

how can I choose you with so many choices
how can I leave my bed if it’s so cozy
I wanted everything but I got nothing
you think I'm an asshole but it's not what it seems

I was perfect for a while
then I fell back into my old bad habits
I tried to wake up at 6am
I tried to do what they said
I tried to set myself some rules... but I hate to follow them

tell me what you're running from,
why would you rather be alone?

how can I choose you with so many choices
how can I leave my bed if it’s so cozy
I wanted everything but I got nothing
you think i'm an asshole but it's not what it seems


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Choices (DEMO) di All You Can Hate:


- Salvatore Alcamisi: voce e chitarra
- Fabrizio Campomori: batteria
- Federico Zanetti: basso

scritto e prodotto da Salvatore Alcamisi


La canzone Choices (DEMO) si trova nell'album AYCH (DEMO) uscito nel 2023.

Copertina dell'album AYCH (DEMO), di All You Can Hate

L'articolo All You Can Hate - Choices (DEMO) testo lyric di All You Can Hate è apparso su il 2024-03-15 17:50:35


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