Amalia Bloom - Sleeping Beauty testo lyric


Oh, your blow brought me home.
Now it’s flaring in my lungs
and it opens a scar in my body.
This breeze’s something I want to feel,
it brings harmonies to my ears.
I left so I could relive
my love for you, so real.

I’d swear to God
if only I believed in him…
If only I could wake you up,
I’d kiss you a thousand times
and while you sleep
I gnash my teeth and I bleed.
You are my greatest love,
my greatest regret,
my sleeping beauty.

Sleeping beauty, please awake.
There’s nowhere else I want to be,
yet when I walk among these roads
I still feel lost and I roam. I am lost inside you.
Don’t you think that you are too,
lost inside you?
When I left you, I saw the sun
draw your veins in scarlet red
and I hoped just for a moment
that you could wake up.
Why don’t you wake up?

The more I feel your heart beating
while you dream, the more I’m lost.
I’m lost inside of you.
The more I hear you respire with your eyes shut,
cross my heart, the more I grieve.

I’d swear to God
if only I believed in him…
If only I could wake you up,
I’d kiss you a thousand times
and while you sleep
I gnash my teeth and I bleed.
You are my greatest love,
my greatest regret,
my sleeping beauty.


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Sleeping Beauty di Amalia Bloom:

VIDEO Sleeping Beauty

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La canzone Sleeping Beauty si trova nell'album Picturesque uscito nel 2022 per Engineer Records.

Copertina dell'album Picturesque, di Amalia Bloom

L'articolo Amalia Bloom - Sleeping Beauty testo lyric di Amalia Bloom è apparso su il 2021-11-05 14:19:23


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