Amalia Bloom - Time, Entropy (live) testo lyric


Rest up, cloak your fears on a pine tree.
Jump into the Milky Way.
Raise your hands, embrace the fathomless
and then lie down again.

As outer space reflects my eyes,
I dive into the infinite.
When I saw in red and blue,
mountains fell and I grew.
Microscopic native spells,
they fill the neurons in my head
and as systems'll get complicated,
I'll lose my equilibrium
and explode.

I breathe, in ecstasy.

As outer space reflects my eyes,
I dive into the infinite.
When I saw in red and blue,
mountains fell and I grew.
Microscopic native spells,
they fill the neurons in my head
and as systems get complicated,
I lose my equilibrium
and explode.


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Time, Entropy (live) di Amalia Bloom:


La canzone Time, Entropy (live) si trova nell'album Alive, a ballet uscito nel 2021.

Copertina dell'album Alive, a ballet, di Amalia Bloom

L'articolo Amalia Bloom - Time, Entropy (live) testo lyric di Amalia Bloom è apparso su il 2021-11-05 14:19:23


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