Amalia Bloom - To Bide Time testo lyric


I’ve grown up thinking
I could have lived
I’m like a sunflower
and youth is the petal
that’s about to fall.

I know the season’s changing
but I do not want to depart.

Pick me up,
desiccate me
so I can live forever.

Is it a natural process or
the purest of loves
what makes us move?
A dance in the pursuit
of the sun, celebrating
the might of its light.
I know the season’s changing
but I do not want to depart.
My stem is growing older
and the petals weigh too much.

Pick me up,
desiccate me,
then I will live forever.

To plant the seed of immortality
is to find meaning
in the simplest things:
a warming blanket,
a kiss goodnight,
the moment everything’s all bliss.
Give me some more time, please.

I’ll do my best while I live.

I don’t know if I’ll get through winter,
has my time been already defined?
I will just do my best while I live.


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VIDEO To Bide Time

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La canzone To Bide Time si trova nell'album Picturesque uscito nel 2022 per Engineer Records.

Copertina dell'album Picturesque, di Amalia Bloom

L'articolo Amalia Bloom - To Bide Time testo lyric di Amalia Bloom è apparso su il 2021-11-05 14:19:23


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