What this album is…: it’s a statement of belonging, a declaration of love. Love to a place and the people who animate it.
Such as in the Edgar Lee Masters’ "Spoon River Anthology”, these short 12 songs - far from being 12 epitaphs - portray the elusive figures of some of the people hanging around this place, generally fellows - aged the same as our children - we barely know….
What you have, aims to be a canvas of what we love…:
that place, those guys..., our fountain of youth.

The Youth Spring Anthology
a minor place
Written and played by A Minor Place with the help of many so generous and talented people:
Francesca “Thunder and Flood” Malagrida gave her invaluable support and help and her beautiful voice. Annapaola Lattanzi was on her side to play a very persuasive Nazi-twin.
Stefano “Anchise” Di Gregorio played some drums, as well as Lorenzo “Wunder-Low” Mazzaufo; follow his beautiful sounds on: https://soundcloud.com/wunder-low.
Kyle Drummer did the rest.