Andrea Pimpini - Merciless Killer testo lyric


Love me
At least try
But if you can’t
Then go away

‘cause i’m giving all my love to you
And you’re not giving all your love to me

Merciless killer

I have never loved
This way a girl like you
I have never loved
This way a girl like you

Love me
At least try
But if you can’t
Then go away

‘cause i’m giving all my love to you
And you’re not giving all your love to me

Merciless killer

I have never loved
This way a girl like you
I have never loved
This way a girl like you
‘cause i’m giving all my love to you
And you’re not giving all your love to me

Merciless killer

I have never loved
This way a girl like you
I have never loved
This way a girl like you


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Merciless Killer di Andrea Pimpini:

VIDEO Merciless Killer

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La canzone Merciless Killer si trova nell'album I'll Stay by the Window uscito nel 2021 per ONErpm.

Copertina dell'album I'll Stay by the Window, di Andrea Pimpini

L'articolo Andrea Pimpini - Merciless Killer testo lyric di Andrea Pimpini è apparso su il 2021-02-08 19:56:33


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