Apes for a Week - The One I'm Not testo lyric


Don’t make me lie here by your side I’m not the one I used to know
don’t make me lie about your life and places where you don’t go
don’t make me see so many tears dropping down each and every day
don’t make me spend so much time where i don’t want to stay

You make me lie, what d’you have in mind?
I feel like sacrificing all I’ve done before this show,
feel I’m wasting time, acting like the one I’m not

Don’t make me lie I know that face I would be fine in any case
but you are the one who just doesn’t show the same things with people
you don’t know,
don’t make me fear so many beers dropping down each and every day
in the high glasses that I need where I don’t want to stay

You make me lie, what d’you have in mind?
I feel like sacrificing all I’ve done before this show,
feel I’m wasting time, acting like the one I’m not


Premi play per ascoltare il brano The One I'm Not di Apes for a Week:


La canzone The One I'm Not si trova nell'album Miss Takes uscito nel 2018.

Copertina dell'album Miss Takes, di Apes for a Week

L'articolo Apes for a Week - The One I'm Not testo lyric di Apes for a Week è apparso su Rockit.it il 2019-11-21 17:04:59


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