Atom Made Earth - Her and Me testo lyric


We flight around, alone in space
and now can find our way
Through death and wounds
turn me down to mud and blood.

Until the rise of the sun
Can we now try to smile ?
So can I do all are need
To bring you back to me.

But now I try to kill my soul
replace it with another core
so I can't go, go ahead
it's only a place, in my head

in my head, in my head, in my head.
in my head, in my head, in my head.


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Her and Me di Atom Made Earth:


La canzone Her and Me si trova nell'album Songs for a Dreamer uscito nel 2023.

Copertina dell'album Songs for a Dreamer, di Atom Made Earth

L'articolo Atom Made Earth - Her and Me testo lyric di Atom Made Earth è apparso su il 2023-09-20 19:14:31


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