Basement's Glare - Call Your Last Shot testo lyric


Don’t be afraid to stay alone tonight
If you want I can walk with you
You’re so hot, though you should smile a bit more

Can’t you see that I’m addicted to you
Lighten up, what’s under your dress?
Where’s the key to your secret garden?

Call your last shot, dear
‘Till you can't take it anymore

I don't get why they call it violence
Why they always burst into tears
You look comfortable in those tight clothes
So how come you don't like my attentions?

Call your last shot, dear
‘Till you can't take it anymore
Take off that smug face
You think you’re all that, but you’re not

I'm not gonna let you ignore me no more
I think I’ve strong romantic feelings for you
Darling, I can't stand watching you go
You know what?
You ugly anyway

Call your last shot, dear
‘Till you can't take it anymore
Take off that smug face
You think you’re all that, but you’re not


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Call Your Last Shot di Basement's Glare:


Il dilagante fenomeno del catcalling, visto dagli occhi di chi lo attua. L’ottusa cecità di chi non comprende quanto sia grave la vessazione su chi non può difendersi, soprattutto in una società che incolpa la vittima piuttosto che il carnefice.


La canzone Call Your Last Shot si trova nell'album Circus of the Fallen uscito nel 2021.

Copertina dell'album Circus of the Fallen, di Basement's Glare

L'articolo Basement's Glare - Call Your Last Shot testo lyric di Basement's Glare è apparso su il 2021-06-20 09:39:13


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