BigDix - The black man testo lyric

22/06/2012 - 10:45 Scritto da BigDix BigDix 1


The black man

I am the black man where's my train
I’m goin’ to the plantation I’m goin’ to Mr Gooch
I no longer want to go but I have to
The road isn’t long enough
To our farewell song
Lord i wish i could get off
I wanna run away
But I have here with me my little harp

I start to play the blues when the sun
comes down
I can play these blessed notes for my
This is the blues train of rock n roll
Blues can carry anger away from our
I start to play the blues when the sun
comes down
And people start to dance
And people start to dance
And people start to dance
And people start to dance
And people start to dance
And people start to dance
And people start to dance
And people start to dance

I am the black man where's my train

At the end of the day i will come back home
Waiting for the train and i’m not alone
It will bring me back to my love

Here it comes the train of happiness
My wife is waiting for me and she’s happy
if i come back
I start to play again my blues train


Premi play per ascoltare il brano The black man di BigDix:

Questo brano è stato inserito in alcune playlist dagli utenti di Rockit: *principale* (di @ con 11 brani)


La canzone The black man si trova nell'album Joanna & The Devil uscito nel 2011.

Copertina dell'album Joanna & The Devil, di BigDix

L'articolo BigDix - The black man testo lyric di BigDix è apparso su il 2012-06-22 10:45:19


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