Bikini The Cat - Rijeka testo lyric


Keeping your sweet company
like a lullaby
living in a limousine,
everyday a new landscape and the
rendez-vous, me and you,
we're far now, no fears please
dance with me, secretly
and don't rescue my silence

oh romantic pc shines
so into you I dive
your curly hair is mine

privacy in your pvc
and please stay now, stay some more,
fluttering on your skin, on your back,
on your dreams and the
rendez-vous, me and you,
we're far now, no fears please
dance with me, secretly
and don't rescue my silence

oh romantic pc shines
so into you I dive
your curly hair is mine
oh going shopping hand in hand
a future to pretend
this love now has no end


La canzone Rijeka si trova nell'album Me, you and the Superheroes uscito nel 2008 per La Valigetta, Self Distribuzione S.p.A..

Copertina dell'album Me, you and the Superheroes, di Bikini The Cat

L'articolo Bikini The Cat - Rijeka testo lyric di Bikini The Cat è apparso su il 2015-04-20 23:30:56


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