When You Feel

When You Feel


2022 - Rock, Progressive, Folk


When You Feel - birderline_single - 2022/06/03

Una canzone d'amore, di pacificazione sociale, di intelligenza emotiva. Perché è questo di cui abbiamo tutti bisogno. Amare è la cosa più rivoluzionaria del momento.

when you feel
miss the ground from under velvet shoes
and don't know
how many are there to ask for honesty
too many fall
and drag with them those souls who give clean breath
I trust you
I will feel safe when we cross in limit flight

it doesn't seem too hot now
the comfort of an aurora
boil the frogs together in the plastic pot
we cannot be alone, distance ourselves even more

when you feel
flying above a wind that carries on
Follow him
love it, don't let it get away
when you feel
like losing balance on whirling paths
your instincts can miss a single sprint




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