Blue Wit - Too Bad testo lyric

09/04/2021 - 14:37 Scritto da Blue Wit Blue Wit 4


I haven't left the house in days
The sun ain't never felt so good
I may have told you a lie that day
Afraid of what the court may have used

Pulling my words out like a sword
Stranded on the peak of your cheeks

You're still fog in my mind
I can't believe that you're mine
I said too bad that I'm yours
There's no respect out these doors
I mean I'm losing myself
I'm waiting for my revenge
I ask for nights in your bed
And I don't think it's too bad

I know you have no love but the sea
I'm longing for a new place to breath
You have all these ways of showing your body
But you still leave me outside

Just tell me why, tell me why, tell me why

You're still fog in my mind
I can't believe that you're mine
I said too bad that I'm yours
There's no respect out these doors
I mean I'm losing myself
I'm waiting for my revenge
I ask for nights in your bed
And I don't think it's too bad


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Too Bad di Blue Wit:


Registrato e composto negli studi di Abbey Road, Londra.
Questo brano guida l'evoluzione dei Blue Wit verso un nuovo sound: estetiche oscure ed elettroniche. è come quando sta per succedere qualcosa di straordinario, ed è bello fare un passo indietro e guardare mentre accade.


La canzone Too Bad si trova nell'album Too Bad uscito nel 2022.

Copertina dell'album Too Bad, di Blue Wit

L'articolo Blue Wit - Too Bad testo lyric di Blue Wit è apparso su il 2021-04-09 14:37:18


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