Brave New Worlds - Across Oceans testo lyric


Across the ocean and the sea
Two hearts beating, longing to be free
Separated by culture and land
But our love, it will forever stand

Though we're miles apart
Our love beats strong in our hearts
We'll dance to the rhythm of the waves
And dream of the day we'll be together, forever

She's from the east, I'm from the west
Different worlds, but our love is the best
We talk on the phone, every single night
Our love, it shines so bright

Though we're miles apart
Our love beats strong in our hearts
We'll dance to the rhythm of the waves
And dream of the day we'll be together, forever

We'll laugh and we'll cry, looking at the sky
Watching the clouds roll by
We'll hold each other tight, under the starlight
And we'll be together, just you and I

Though we're miles apart
Our love beats strong in our hearts
We'll dance to the rhythm of the waves
And dream of the day we'll be together, forever

One day we'll meet by the shore
And our love will forever soar
We'll dance in the sand, hand in hand
Our love, it will never end.


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Across Oceans di Brave New Worlds:


Fabio Armani, Luciano Masala


La canzone Across Oceans si trova nell'album aiSongs uscito nel 2023 per Different Lands.

Copertina dell'album aiSongs, di Brave New Worlds

L'articolo Brave New Worlds - Across Oceans testo lyric di Brave New Worlds è apparso su il 2023-01-05 12:58:54


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