Brave New Worlds - Imp3rfection testo lyric


This afternoon I found you. Different. Imperfect.
I found in me, An imperfection So perfect in its own imperfect way.
The "I" is the nexus in my brain
I will challenge the night with an arrogant smile, with an arrogant face
like the great ocean I would rise on the tip of the toe
of the waves at high tide caressing the moon

My favorite music is imperfection, imperfection
the guitar that's just a little too loud, the drums that are a little too fast, off key harmony

today I'll play the flute on my spinal column
nothing will erase love away
Long enough have you dreamt despicable dreams
Leaving nothing but a distorted image of perfection

My favorite music is imperfection, imperfection
the guitar that's just a little too loud, the drums that are a little too fast,
My favorite music is imperfection, off key harmony

My favorite music is imperfection, imperfection
I found in me, An imperfection So perfect in its own imperfect way, imperfect day
Don't let The Fear of Imperfection penetrate yourself and freeze your gestures


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Imp3rfection di Brave New Worlds:


- Fabio Armani: piano, organo, tastiere, sintetizzatori, campionatori, programmazione ed electronic
- George Bille: flicorno
- Lenina Crowne: basso
- Andrea Fenili: voce e cori
- Piergiorgio Lucidi: chitarre ambient ed elettriche
- John (the Savage): batteria e percussioni


© testo e musica: Fabio Armani 2021


La canzone Imp3rfection si trova nell'album iSignals uscito nel 2022 per Different Lands.

Copertina dell'album iSignals, di Brave New Worlds

L'articolo Brave New Worlds - Imp3rfection testo lyric di Brave New Worlds è apparso su il 2023-01-05 12:58:54


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