Brave New Worlds - Longing Darkness testo lyric


Ten years of love, now shattered and gone
Left alone with my daughter, I'm struggling to hold on
A year has passed, but the pain still remains
My heart is blackened, my soul is in chains

I wished for your death, for you to suffer like me
I even wished our daughter, to feel the agony
But then at night, in a twisted dream
You come back to haunt me, a nightmare extreme

In the dream we're together, but it's not real
There's a darkness within you, that I can feel
Our bodies entwine, but it's not love
It's a sick and twisted game, that you're thinking of

I wished for your death, for you to suffer like me
I even wished our daughter, to feel the agony
But then at night, in a twisted dream
You come back to haunt me, a nightmare extreme

I try to move on, to find a new life
But your ghostly presence, cuts me like a knife
You return like a plague, to torment my mind
A dark and evil force, that's impossible to find

I wished for your death, for you to suffer like me
I even wished our daughter, to feel the agony
But then at night, in a twisted dream
You come back to haunt me, a nightmare extreme

I must resist your spell, your wicked desire
I'll find a way to break free, from your grip of fire
I'll protect my daughter, and my own fragile soul
And I'll banish you forever, to a dark and lonely hole


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Longing Darkness di Brave New Worlds:


Fabio Armani


La canzone Longing Darkness si trova nell'album aiSongs uscito nel 2023 per Different Lands.

Copertina dell'album aiSongs, di Brave New Worlds

L'articolo Brave New Worlds - Longing Darkness testo lyric di Brave New Worlds è apparso su il 2023-01-05 12:58:54


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