Brave New Worlds - Red Waves testo lyric


"Red waves, tears of the earth, taking away our loved ones. Red waves, a symbol of hope, turned into a nightmare."

"But now you're gone, lost to the sea, leaving behind memories and pain. Your journey for a better life, cut short by the cruel waves."

"Red waves, tears of the earth, taking away our loved ones. Red waves, a symbol of hope, turned into a nightmare."

"I pray for those who still embark, on the dangerous voyage across the sea. May they find what they're searching for, and may they return safely to me."

"Red waves, tears of the earth, taking away our loved ones. Red waves, a symbol of hope, turned into a nightmare."

"We'll never forget the ones we've lost, to the merciless sea. And though they're gone, their legacy lives on, in our hearts, eternally."

"Red waves, tears of the earth, taking away our loved ones. Red waves, a symbol of hope, turned into a nightmare."

"May their journey be peaceful, may their souls find rest. And may we find the courage, to fight for what is best."


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Red Waves di Brave New Worlds:


La canzone Red Waves si trova nell'album aiSongs uscito nel 2023 per Different Lands.

Copertina dell'album aiSongs, di Brave New Worlds

L'articolo Brave New Worlds - Red Waves testo lyric di Brave New Worlds è apparso su il 2023-01-05 12:58:54


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