Brave New Worlds - Wrecked Angel testo lyric


Watching your lives from the top of a dark tower I see
perspectives of rotten alleys
mazes of crying and pain
where your silence deafens me
I sold my wings for a new heart because I don't want to fly anymore
I have exhausted my immortality
and I don't want to glide above the clouds anymore in dawns of fire
I don't want to outlive all of you anymore
I thirst for your mortality
I am learning to suffer
blood and fear
this world that I have observed from above is becoming more and more real
I am learning to be hungry and thirsty
sorrow and pain
while this world stabbed me and tore off my wings
Will I ever be one of you?
I tore off my wings to get new hands I don't want to fly anymore
They burned my eyes and mind
Spying on your lives from the roofs of demolished cathedrals I feel
perspectives of rotten alleys latrines, crying and pain death and war
your silence deafens me
I have quenched my thirst for altitude
to be with you
here, in this darkness that smells of life and death
I am learning to cry
this world that I have observed from above is becoming more and more real
I am learning to be fragile and angry
this world stabbed me and ripped my wings
Will I ever be one of you?


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Wrecked Angel di Brave New Worlds:


- Fabio Armani: piano, organo, tastiere, sintetizzatori, campionatori, batteria elettronica, programmazione ed electronic
- Lenina Crowne: basso
- Andrea Fenili: voce e cori
- Greta Moroni: cori
- LUCIANO MASALA: chitarre elettriche
- John (the Savage): batteria e percussioni
- Davide Straccioni: cori
- Manuel Trabucco: sax soprano e tenore


© testo e musica: Fabio Armani 2021


La canzone Wrecked Angel si trova nell'album iSignals uscito nel 2022 per Different Lands.

Copertina dell'album iSignals, di Brave New Worlds

L'articolo Brave New Worlds - Wrecked Angel testo lyric di Brave New Worlds è apparso su il 2023-01-05 12:58:54


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