Caboose - Fortune testo lyric

30/04/2020 - 17:46 Scritto da Caboose Caboose 0


You know there’s a train that picks up the people
and it leaves only when is full

take it
Ride it

People on board are not alike
someone’s black some other white
what’s your color

feel it
feel it

Don’t you think it’s crazy
that someone gets you off the train?
You better have a car in America
better have a gun or a master card

trust it
feel it

You’r maybe black, you’re maybe white
but if you’r poor baby, you’ll never be right

know it
face it
know it
fuck it

Don’t you think it’s crazy
someone gonna stop your ride
I’m still far from the solution
but I’ll be ready when it comes

I’ve got a few things to find out
that are shacking my bones...
...soul bites
you say I’m too slow for the engine speed
of the machine city and its fast dreams
well….we’ll see


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Fortune di Caboose:


La canzone Fortune si trova nell'album Awake Go Zero uscito nel 2022 per Bloos Records.

Copertina dell'album Awake Go Zero, di Caboose

L'articolo Caboose - Fortune testo lyric di Caboose è apparso su il 2020-04-30 17:46:15


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