Calma, Ora - Dry Water, Withered Certainty testo lyric

03/04/2024 - 17:53 Scritto da Calma, Ora Calma, Ora 0


Changing season, changing humor
We were the same
But now we don’t feel the water anymore
if it looks better, cut the stem
We have a hole on the roof
and we watch fireworks through it
Babe, have we given in to the passing of time?

Plenty to think about
nothing’s working out
am I supposed to be grim about it?
Its not a good sign
When you start questioning your shelter
and i’ve never seen these faces in my house

Babe, have we given in to the passing of time?


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Dry Water, Withered Certainty di Calma, Ora:


La canzone Dry Water, Withered Certainty si trova nell'album Shapeless Form Of Clouds uscito nel 2022.

Copertina dell'album Shapeless Form Of Clouds, di Calma, Ora

L'articolo Calma, Ora - Dry Water, Withered Certainty testo lyric di Calma, Ora è apparso su il 2024-04-03 17:53:48


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