Chamberlain - Moon in June (early mix)


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Moon in June (early mix) di Chamberlain:


Something wrong could get better, the dream is gone it doesn't matter anymore 'Cause I feel like a newborn like a newborn. How would it be to make love without gravity, cause it's the pain that holds together, don't you know? And I feel like a newborn like a newborn like a newborn. So I feel like a newborn like a newborn, and I see the moon in June, the moon in June.


La canzone Moon in June (early mix) si trova nell'album Moon In June/Superstition uscito nel 2010.

Copertina dell'album Moon In June/Superstition, di Chamberlain

L'articolo Chamberlain - Moon in June (early mix) di Chamberlain è apparso su il 0000-00-00 00:00:00


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