Cromosauri - Broken Green testo lyric

29/04/2024 - 01:52 Scritto da Cromosauri Cromosauri 1


The green hill is still
do you know if it would like to creep?
And the noise in this room
is too high for my neightbours

so I push it up
and look at the clouds flying away

My mirror
spends all the day reflecting
he would like to see itself
He doesn't know who was his mother
and his favourite colour is black

so I break it:
seven unlucky years for me


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Broken Green di Cromosauri:


Davide Salvadori (vocals, guitars, harmonica, glasses)
Michele Demi (bass, vocals)
Lorenzo Salvadori (drums, cymbals, shaker, sticks, vocals)

Recorded at “Il Fondo” and “La Soffitta” between December 2015 and March 2016
Mixed by Davide Dalvadori at “La Soffitta”
Mastered by Giacomo Bracoloni at “Mastervig Studio”
Artwork by Davide Salvadori, Agnese Montorzi, Michele Demi, Lorenzo Salvadori
Maggie’s photos by Stefania Volpi
Band’s photos by Daniele “DeFrame” Raddino
Produced by Cromosauri


La canzone Broken Green si trova nell'album NOIZ! uscito nel 2015.

Copertina dell'album NOIZ!, di Cromosauri

L'articolo Cromosauri - Broken Green testo lyric di Cromosauri è apparso su il 2024-04-29 01:52:17


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