DOR - Horowitz testo lyric

29/06/2023 - 08:58 Scritto da DOR DOR 0


Change all that you have been
give it all away for me.
Bruises begin to sore
hung a tear my burning world.
Death is no more then a blink
prey the Lord to sink your ship.
Winter birds across the shore
we will return no more.
Night is tender all around
eating up the horizon's bound.
Stranger we are far from home
our past is a sinking stone.
Words are made up with dreams
numbers and glowing beams.
Sun and moon across the shore
we will return no more.


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Horowitz di DOR:

VIDEO Horowitz

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La canzone Horowitz si trova nell'album In Circle uscito nel 2023 per TOTEN SCHWAN RECORDS, Dischi Bervisti, Drown Within Records, The Orchard / Sony.

Copertina dell'album In Circle, di DOR

L'articolo DOR - Horowitz testo lyric di DOR è apparso su il 2023-06-29 08:58:18


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