Emilya ndme - Snow testo lyric


I guess that the falling snow
Would not rise up
i guess that the wet ground
would had to dry out

I looked at the wrong side of me
I stared at my fading face
I felt your morning bed
As i felt my broken legs

Sorrow denied will find all that space in my mind
From the inside it struggle and fight
Sorrow denied will find all that space in my mind

If I’d have the chance to change
To be the same of you
If I could jump so high to fellow something new

I will make my hands so big to grab that darks and blue
I will my band so noise as I felt my crashing voice

Sorrow denied will find all that space in my mind
From the inside it struggle and fight
Sorrow denied will find all that space in my mind

Just be like the snow, the snow melts
Just learn to give up, the snow melts


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Snow di Emilya ndme:


La canzone Snow si trova nell'album Thank you for your complaints uscito nel 2020.

Copertina dell'album Thank you for your complaints, di Emilya ndme

L'articolo Emilya ndme - Snow testo lyric di Emilya ndme è apparso su Rockit.it il 2022-09-27 21:40:10


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