EriKa SKorza - Breathless testo lyric


Feeling nauseous
The tears won't come out
from your eyes
The rage is breaking
stomach and heart
High walls around
leave your throat breathless
Savoury and dry is your mouth

But your legs still walk on
You can feel your heartbeat
in your wrists
A drop of sweat on your lips
reminds you that

You're still alive

Vomiting words that you're not
able to say
Afraid of losing the sun again
So tired of this meaningless life
It has destroyed all of your fantasies

But your legs still walk on
You can feel your heartbeat
in your wrists
A drop of sweat on your lips
reminds you that

You're still alive


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Breathless di EriKa SKorza:


Stefano Ciuffi // Guitars
Lorenzo "Toto" Giornelli // Bass
Saverio Federici // Drum


La canzone Breathless si trova nell'album I'm A Big Bluff uscito nel 2020.

Copertina dell'album I'm A Big Bluff, di EriKa SKorza

L'articolo EriKa SKorza - Breathless testo lyric di EriKa SKorza è apparso su il 2020-12-10 17:51:40


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