EXRCM - Marwin testo lyric

05/05/2017 - 17:00 Scritto da EXRCM EXRCM 0


They found him drunk like a celebrity
In the center of the city where nobody see
The next day he surrendered to the authority
A lot of pictures, a couple screams
Suddenly his majestic feet
Returned to be the most horrible thing
That all those girls had ever seen
From the back of the police car
The amazing landscape
Was always so far
One thousand thoughts crowded his head
But the only thing that he could actually think of was
I’ve seen it, the low moon
Its bottom couldn’t fit in my palm
I miss it but soon
I’ll be there again to jump
Trapped in a plane he remembers
The day that he was found, the 26th September
When those idiots decided to save the farang beggar
Maybe spending the coming-back money in Pattaya wasn’t so clever
Here we are
He was deported
He can’t go back but his long travel never stopped
Even right now, even today
He’s seeking for another girl in another state
He always walks with a limp
Station to station
He’s looking for a home, he’s looking for a new nation
The architecture of his sadness changes in every airport
Every month, in every city and street, in every sector
But there’s a part that it’s missing
And the only way for him to find it is just singing:
I’ve seen it, the low moon
Its bottom couldn’t fit in my palm
I miss it but soon
I’ll be there again to jump


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Marwin di EXRCM:

VIDEO Marwin

video frame placeholder


La canzone Marwin si trova nell'album Loite uscito nel 2016.

Copertina dell'album Loite, di EXRCM

L'articolo EXRCM - Marwin testo lyric di EXRCM è apparso su Rockit.it il 2017-05-05 17:00:25


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