Former Friends - Friends with Benefits testo lyric


“What makes a good friend?”
you asked me in bed,
like the worst place on Earth to be wavering
Then you turned your face to the ceiling instead
of facing the truth you needed.

The fact is that you are so weak
And lonely
That you can’t tell the difference between
Friendship and
And now please be quiet
Cause I can already hear your voice cracking
Lost in
Pride and unconscious self-pity.

Friends with benefits
And my benefit’s talking to you
Yeah my benefit’s talking to you

You were born like a late fruit
During fall, season of mists and mellow
And your flaws became unbearable truths.

Friends with benefits
And my benefit’s talking to you
Yeah my benefit’s talking to you


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Friends with Benefits di Former Friends:

VIDEO Friends with Benefits

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La canzone Friends with Benefits si trova nell'album Late Blossom uscito nel 2019.

Copertina dell'album Late Blossom, di Former Friends

L'articolo Former Friends - Friends with Benefits testo lyric di Former Friends è apparso su il 2022-10-17 17:50:40


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