Gabrielle DeRosa - Put a Finger Down testo lyric


Put A Finger Down - Gabrielle De Rosa

Put a finger down if they hurt you
Put a finger down if you hurt someone too
Put a finger down if you fell in love
Put a finger down if you’ve ever said no

Put a finger down if you’ve ever lied
Put a finger down if they lied to you
Put a finger down if you closed some doors
Put a finger down if they closed some doors to you

Put a finger down if they made you cry
Put a finger down if you don’t know if you made them cry too!

Your hands are closed
Just like those doors
There’s no bad there’s no right
If you open your eyes
You’ll see, it’s just your life

With your minds closed
You cry because you know
Choice or fate, that’s a person
In the wrong situation

We are all on the same boat in this life
We are all on the same boat in this life
We are all on the same boat in this life

Your hands are closed
Just like your world, because
If you look for a sign
You may loose track of time
You’ll see, it’s just your life

With your mouth closed
You’re angry because you know
You can open your heart and smile
It’s not over until you rise

We are all on the same boat in this life
We are all on the same boat in this life
We are all on the same boat in this life


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Put a Finger Down di Gabrielle DeRosa:


Singer, Songwriter, Producer, Performer: Gabrielle De Rosa


La canzone Put a Finger Down si trova nell'album The Sparkle uscito nel 2022 per CD Baby.

Copertina dell'album The Sparkle, di Gabrielle DeRosa

L'articolo Gabrielle DeRosa - Put a Finger Down testo lyric di Gabrielle DeRosa è apparso su il 2022-01-05 18:08:31


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