Giugno - In The Supermarket testo lyric

01/07/2020 - 00:07 Scritto da Giugno Giugno 0


Strange things in the supermarket
When we go there to buy things and
We do not realize of the people
We clash in the supermarket
When we only turn the corner
We do not look straight on, just left or right
In the supermarket I 'm nobody but a customer
Put your things fast on the roll
Grab them faster as you can
"Need a bag?" "No, I need two please"
Strange things in the supermarket
When we go there to buy things and
We do not realize of the people surrounding us - and that's bad -
We clash in the supermarket
When we only turn the corner
We do not look straight on, just left or right
What I could buy next?
In the supermarket we are nobody but the customers
Just like money standing in line
Waiting at the counters
"Excuse me I got only milk, can I pass before?"
Even If I would say "No" I say "Just go-o-o"
Strange things in the supermarket
When we go there to buy things and
We do not realize of the people surrounding us.


Premi play per ascoltare il brano In The Supermarket di Giugno:


La canzone In The Supermarket si trova nell'album SUM (ep) uscito nel 2011.

Copertina dell'album SUM (ep), di Giugno

L'articolo Giugno - In The Supermarket testo lyric di Giugno è apparso su il 2020-07-01 00:07:31


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