Giulio Larovere - LOVE FOR FREE testo lyric


There's no light without shadow
There's no smile without tears
There's no joy without sorrow
But there can be today without tomorrow

All I have to do is release
the light that shines in me
Hold my hand but let me be
You can have all my love for free

What I get is what I need
I've always trusted this life I've lived
I'll not steal what you've found
What goes around, just comes around

All I have to do is release
the light that shines in me
Hold my hand but let me be
You can have all my love for free

… let me be
… my love for free
… for free
… for free

All I have to do is release
the light that shines in me
Hold my hand but let me be
You can have all my love for...

All we have to do is release
the light that shines in deep
Hold my hand fly with me
We will have all the love for free


Premi play per ascoltare il brano LOVE FOR FREE di Giulio Larovere:

Questo brano è stato inserito in alcune playlist dagli utenti di Rockit: preferiti (di @Sandro57 con 14 brani)


La canzone LOVE FOR FREE si trova nell'album MY INNER THOUGHTS uscito nel 2015.

Copertina dell'album MY INNER THOUGHTS, di Giulio Larovere

L'articolo Giulio Larovere - LOVE FOR FREE testo lyric di Giulio Larovere è apparso su il 2021-05-13 23:40:33


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