Greco - Ain't U the 1 testo lyric

03/01/2024 - 09:07 Scritto da Greco Greco 0


Aint you the slim one, aint you the shy one
Aint you the one that they called ‘not handsome’
Aint you the poor boy, aint you the strange curl
Ain't you the one that cannot even speak to one girl
Yes you are…

Aint you the one , that is called ‘so slow’
Aint you the meek, that don’t wanna speak first
Aint you the one, thinking that you are a shame
Aint you on a shelf waiting someone up to take
Yes you are… but

Little boy, don’t you take it so bad
Look where you are, and not where you failed
You do have something that no one else can take
You can sing
You can sing

Aint you the dumb one, loosing at poker
The one in the photograph who had his eyes closed
Aint you looking, that sand in your hand
Keep a-wondering about things coming to your head
Yes you are: you know it!

Aint you the one ‘always give a hand’
Trying to be accepted trying to have friends
Aint you the one never said a word
Never been seen and never asked for
OK... but...

But what about, that feeling so true
The way she blushes when she is, next to you
You can do something, boy, that no one else can do
You can - sing to her
You can - sing to her
You can - sing to her
You can - sing to her
You can - sing

Le me hear you!


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Ain't U the 1 di Greco:


La canzone Ain't U the 1 si trova nell'album BOY uscito nel 2023.

Copertina dell'album BOY, di Greco

L'articolo Greco - Ain't U the 1 testo lyric di Greco è apparso su il 2024-01-03 09:07:37


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