Greco - Downtown Rodeo (Greco & Green) testo lyric

03/01/2024 - 09:07Scritto da Greco Greco0


Well i'm standing on the corner
Of 13th street and emptiness
Where the lights from the drugstore
Kiss the asphalt with tenderness

The girls are urban mermaids
Aloof in the neon and bathed in blue
And the newspaper kiosk
Reflects all the trouble that we're going through

Now I'm standing with a clown convention
At the german hot dog stand
With mustard on my shirt
Amongst all the wreckage of my broken plans

There's a glitch in the matrix
A rip in the space-time continuum

And here I am just trying to
Hang on to this wild ride
In the dirty streets and lives
Of this downtown rodeo
And here I am just trying to
Outrun the dark of night
In this downtown rodeo
In the glitter
And the fallout
Of this downtown rodeo

Well the landing party beams down
And they've all got their phasers set to stun
And if I could write just one great song
Maybe I could buy myself some sun

Down south to savannah or across the rockies
To the western shore
But here I am in winter
With the rue morgue ravens quoting nevermore

Slide through the shadows
Like a private eye in a film noir
Looking for the bar in that other song
Where the wild things are

There's a glitch in the matrix
A rip in the space-time continuum

And here I am just trying to
Hang on to this wild ride
In the dirty streets and lives
Of this downtown rodeo
And here I am just trying to
Outrun the dark of night
In this downtown rodeo
In the glitter
And the fallout
Of this downtown rodeo


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Downtown Rodeo (Greco & Green) di Greco:


greco-music, backtrack
green-lyrics, vocals


La canzone Downtown Rodeo (Greco & Green) si trova nell'album FRIENDS uscito nel 2024.

Copertina dell'album FRIENDS, di Greco

L'articolo Greco - Downtown Rodeo (Greco & Green) testo lyric di Greco è apparso su il 2024-01-03 09:07:37


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