Premi play per ascoltare il brano Dead are back di Gulp!:
Questo brano è stato inserito in alcune playlist dagli utenti di Rockit: importata (di @theguardianz con 12 brani), *principale* (di @ con 5 brani), !!! (di @ringo.seve con 29 brani)
The dead are comin' back to take their vengeance on those who killed 'em twice. Jesus’ comin' back to eat his bishops, to send 'em back to hell. Eat the flesh of fools, brain in the afternoon, drink the blood of fools when the moon is full, eat the flesh of fools untill the belly's full, drink the blood of fools, kill under the moon. The dead are comin'back, really angry, they are still hungry. Che's digesting a T-shirt seller man, Nietszche's crunching the leg of a nazi-skin. The dead are back, they won’t stay dead. Walkin’ ahead not very fast, so watch your back and check your neck, they need your head to stay undead.
La canzone Dead are back si trova nell'album Tough on ears, Gentle on hands uscito nel 2010.

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