Herself - Bark testo lyric

16/09/2015 - 08:08 Scritto da Herself Herself 44



Bark, it's getting dark
As far as I can see
Fear flows with tears
Again I'm on my knees
It's so colder getting older
Now I'm here in the crowd
With people passing over
When I was found
Upside down
My crown
Dear I ain't got ears
to hear what cannot be heard
Those little kids
Again I'm on my knees
It's so colder getting older
Now I'm here in the ground
With people passing over
When I was found
Upside down
My crown


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Bark di Herself:


La canzone Bark si trova nell'album Rigel Playground uscito nel 2017 per URTOVOX rec., Audioglobe.

Copertina dell'album Rigel Playground, di Herself

L'articolo Herself - Bark testo lyric di Herself è apparso su Rockit.it il 2015-09-16 08:08:18


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