We are gods, or maybe kings,
Born black, like Set;
Turning on the black plasma,
Hearing the far-away car horns,
Without ever seeing the sun;
Lonely people, thou can look beyond.
We are gods, or we are kings,
Blasphemers, filthy and
Waiting to pass over,
Hearing the seven trumpets,
Without ever trying to make sense;
Seeing only two dimensions.
Weird plane, solemn gods,
Beyond seas and walls, gods;
Weird plane, solemn gods,
Beyond seas and walls, gods.
We are gods, or maybe kings,
Born black, like Set;
Waiting to pass over,
Hearing the seven trumpets,
Without ever trying to make sense;
Seeing only two dimensions.
Weird plane, solemn gods,
Beyond seas and walls, gods;
Weird plane, solemn gods,
Beyond seas and walls, gods.
(Italian original version)
Siamo Dèi
Siamo dèi, o forse re
Nati neri, come Seth
Accendere il plasma nero
Sentire i clacson lontano
Non vedere il sole mai
Gente sola, guardare oltre potrai
Siamo dèi, o siamo re
Bestemmiatori, sporchi e
Attendere il passo oltre
Sentire le sette trombe
Non cercare il senso mai
Vedere solo dimensioni due
Strano piano, gravi dèi
Oltre mari e muri dèi
Strano piano, gravi dèi
Oltre mari e muri dèi
Siamo dèi, o forse re
Nati neri, come Seth
Attendere il passo oltre
Sentire le sette trombe
Non cercare il senso mai
Vedere solo dimensioni due
Strano piano, gravi dèi
Oltre mari e muri dèi
Strano piano, gravi dèi
Oltre mari e muri dèi
Premi play per ascoltare il brano We are gods [w/ lyrics in description] di HM-FM:
Max Mozzetti - Bass, Guitars, Drum Programming, Music, Italian Original Lyrics, Arrangements
Tristano Della Corte - Vocals, Lyrics Translation from Italian to English, Arrangements
Perez - Drum Programming, Arrangements
Music recorded at Audiolab Studio by Perez
Vocals recorded at Exit Music Studios by Fabrizio Morigi
Mixed at VDSS Studio by Filippo Strang, Max Mozzetti and Tristano Della Corte
Mastered at MOA Studio by Filippo Strang
Release: (R)existing
Facebook: facebook.com/hmfm8
Instagram: instagram.com/hmfm8/
Twitter: twitter.com/hmfm8
YouTube: youtube.com/channel/UC8ApyG…
bandcamp: hm-fm.bandcamp.com
Soundcloud: soundcloud.com/hm-fm
ReverbNation: reverbnation.com/hmfm8
VIDEO We are gods [w/ lyrics in description]

La canzone We are gods [w/ lyrics in description] si trova nell'album (R)existing uscito nel 2018.

L'articolo HM-FM - We are gods [w/ lyrics in description] testo lyric di HM-FM è apparso su Rockit.it il 2023-05-03 22:17:55