Hot cherry - Band of people testo lyric

11/10/2021 - 18:38 Scritto da Hot cherry Hot cherry 0


Sometime we're not funny
Sometime we'll blow all up
Sometime we don't understand each other Sometime we're a band of brothers
We're oversized dreamer
Ready to explode
Upset and lost
For something we still fighting for
Pick up your phone
This time the show is ours
Can you belive it?
Years of
Stories to tell
Can you belive it? We still here Laughting with you
Sometime we're not funny
Sometime we'll blow all up
Sometimes we don't understand each other Sometime we're a band of brothers
We're oversized dreamers
Ready to explode
Upset and lost
For something we still fighting for
Pick up your phone
This time the show is ours
Can you belive it? Years of
Stories to tell
Can you belive it?
We still here laughting with you
I glad to thank all
Can you belive it?
years of
Stories to tell
Can you belive it?
We still here laughting with you


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Band of people di Hot cherry:


La canzone Band of people si trova nell'album Burnout uscito nel 2021 per iMusician.

Copertina dell'album Burnout, di Hot cherry

L'articolo Hot cherry - Band of people testo lyric di Hot cherry è apparso su il 2021-10-11 18:38:09


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