Hot cherry - Enemy testo lyric

11/10/2021 - 18:38 Scritto da Hot cherry Hot cherry 0


I hear the voices Shouting in town So much so angry
Blind and confuse I Open the window For a moment
I want to puke
Do you need an enemy? Or is an hole in your soul? Do you need an enemy? Or is another excuse?
I hear the voices Shouting in town So much so angry
Blind and confuse I Open the window For a moment
I want to puke
You fight for a liar Liar
Do you need an enemy? Or is an hole in your soul? Do you need an enemy? Or is another excuse?


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Enemy di Hot cherry:


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La canzone Enemy si trova nell'album Burnout uscito nel 2021 per iMusician.

Copertina dell'album Burnout, di Hot cherry

L'articolo Hot cherry - Enemy testo lyric di Hot cherry è apparso su il 2021-10-11 18:38:09


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