Hot cherry - From zero to one testo lyric

11/10/2021 - 18:38 Scritto da Hot cherry Hot cherry 0


How many time I want to give up ?
With a bottle of the worst booze
Sometime i lost hope and faith in human race
when everything seems lost,
the best of you dies

It's dedicated to all
who never believe
In a better life to live
It's dedicated to all
wants to drag you down
they have nothing and you’ve got everything

How many time I want to give up ?
With a bottle of the worst booze
Sometime i lost hope and faith in human race
when everything seems lost,
the best of you dies

It's dedicated to all
who never believe
In a better life to live
It's dedicated to all
wants to drag you down
they have nothing and you've got everything

For all the day
They say you're not enough
For all the day
You think that it's over
You are not over

It's dedicated to all
who never believe
In a better life to live
It's dedicated to all
wants to drag you down
they have nothing and you've got everything


Premi play per ascoltare il brano From zero to one di Hot cherry:

VIDEO From zero to one

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La canzone From zero to one si trova nell'album Burnout uscito nel 2021 per iMusician.

Copertina dell'album Burnout, di Hot cherry

L'articolo Hot cherry - From zero to one testo lyric di Hot cherry è apparso su il 2021-10-11 18:38:09


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