Illusion Of Gravity - Too Late testo lyric


It's too late
only memories of what I've done
too late
wish to come back where we used to stay
I've found
many people now thery're gone away
but now
please don't cry we must go on
too late
all the light just faded now it rains
my love
I can keep you warm if there's no sun
dancing in the clouds
dreaming better times where we could live
moments like the crazy summer twenty fifteen
can you feel the breeze on your skin?
can you smell the waves and the sea?
maybe we can do it again
looking back through times like these
let yourself be guided by fate
breathing in the joy and the peace
we can have good times with our mates
I can come out from this abyss
in the end you'll realize
it's not too late


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Too Late di Illusion Of Gravity:


La canzone Too Late si trova nell'album TOO LATE uscito nel 2020.

Copertina dell'album TOO LATE, di Illusion Of Gravity

L'articolo Illusion Of Gravity - Too Late testo lyric di Illusion Of Gravity è apparso su il 2020-12-06 12:20:53


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