Indigo Quest - Weatherman Uniform testo lyric


My life's an obsession
And so is yours
Different directions
The same old goal

Oh, am I getting off the track?
Whose are those footsteps on the path?

Went above and beyond
I'm not the resurrection
Is that one of my faults?

Am I getting off the track?
Whose are those footsteps on the path?
The inner wise idiot said
"At least once in a lifetime
The speaker is a listener"

When I get close to your heart
I hear the sound of the storm
How long do I have to wear the weatherman uniform?

Love's the synchronization
Of the mind and soul
I'm a collector
I've got a brand new watch

Time's going backwards
Life goes on
If we get a connection
Well, I'll tell you more

Am I getting off the track?
Whose are those footsteps on the path?
The inner wise idiot said
"At least once in a lifetime
The speaker is a listener"

When I get close to your heart
I hear the sound of the storm
How long do I have to wear the weatherman uniform?


Oh, am I getting off the track?
Whose are those footsteps on the path?
The inner wise idiot said
"At least once in a lifetime
The keeper is a prisoner"

When I get close to your heart…

I see the sky falling apart
I hear the sound of the storm
How long do I have to wear this weatherman unitard?


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Weatherman Uniform di Indigo Quest:


Scritta, Suonata, Prodotta, Mixata e Masterizzata da Denis Rossi.
Video diretto da Denis Rossi.

VIDEO Weatherman Uniform

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La canzone Weatherman Uniform si trova nell'album YESTERDAY'S WOW uscito nel 2022.

Copertina dell'album YESTERDAY'S WOW, di Indigo Quest

L'articolo Indigo Quest - Weatherman Uniform testo lyric di Indigo Quest è apparso su il 2024-03-24 23:29:12


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