Indigo Quest - Weekend testo lyric


The first part of our weekends starts with me drinking joy
The end of them is again me throwing up troubles
All your friends want me dead
Or at least to quieten my voice
Am I a scumbag
Or are they just regrettably sober?

I can't stand the thought of this broken boy
Waking up to the sound of his own "Sorry!"
Balance is the key to a quiet life
But what if life wants us a bit more savage, yeah!

Sometimes I only see the world as a Luna Park
The mirror maze is where I'm stuck at…oh yeah!
The Ferris Wheel gives me time to look inside myself
Vertigo and fun, they never end
Just like my mind maintenance
Oh, well!

My integrity needs to get a shot
I crash, I twist and turn
I'm on a bumper car
Please, another ride then I come down
No time for bed
My dreams have legs
They run, they walk, they crawl
The opposite of a chronological order

I can't stand the thought of this broken boy
Waking up to the sound of his own "Sorry!"
Balance is the key to a happy life
But what if life wants us a bit more savage

Sometimes I only see the world as a Luna Park
The mirror maze is where I'm stuck at…oh yeah!
The Ferris Wheel gives me time to look inside myself
Vertigo and fun, they never end
Just like my mind maintenance
Oh, well!

Oh well, well, well!
Just one more ride
One more ride

Can you stand the thought of this broken boy
Asking life to be more savage?

Sometimes I only see the world as a Luna Park
The mirror maze is where I'm stuck at…oh yeah!
The Ferris Wheel gives me time to look inside myself
Vertigo and fun, they never end
Just like my mind maintenance


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Weekend di Indigo Quest:


Scritta, Suonata, Prodotta, Mixata e Masterizzata da Denis Rossi.
Video diretto da Denis Rossi.

VIDEO Weekend

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La canzone Weekend si trova nell'album YESTERDAY'S WOW uscito nel 2022.

Copertina dell'album YESTERDAY'S WOW, di Indigo Quest

L'articolo Indigo Quest - Weekend testo lyric di Indigo Quest è apparso su il 2024-03-24 23:29:12


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