If you knew where I wrote this song
I'm pretty sure you would laugh
I'm enjoying a nice view
But you'll be seeing my ass
I'm looking out of the window
The sand the see and the sun
I'm looking at the screaming seagulls
The kids are having such fun
I'm going to take you and see the Rimini lions
I'll take you out on a boat
We'll be drinking wine and dance to summer songs
I'm going to take you and see the Rimini lions
And we'll be having such fun
We'll be eating fried fish in the summer sun
I'm going to take you and see the Rimini Lions
And we'll be having such fun
We'll be drinking wine and dance to summer songs
I'm going to take you and see the Rimini lions
This is another world
We'll be here forver, we'll never get old
Rimini lions now on sight
Rimini lions on your right
Rimini lions screaming seagulls
And the kids have fun tonight
Rimini lions now on sight
Rimini lions shine so bright
Rimini lions screaming seagulls
And the kids are out tonight
Premi play per ascoltare il brano Rimini Lions di K. Board & The Skreens:
Tre canzoni per tre città.
Musica & testi di K. Board & The Skreens
La canzone Rimini Lions si trova nell'album A Trip to the Weast uscito nel 2013.

L'articolo K. Board & The Skreens - Rimini Lions testo lyric di K. Board & The Skreens è apparso su Rockit.it il 2015-11-06 15:10:33