Lacuna Coil - Fragments of faith testo lyric


It?s not the way to cross the faith
The promise has been broken
My disease, everlasting
Let me bleed forever
I have to wait
Come and get me
Lost in here, I?m nothing
Tie my hands
Let me feel alive one more time

Where is the pain?
Somewhere down

Can you feel it?
Don?t you know there is no time?
Can you feel it?
Don?t you know there is no time?

My halo fades
Sin is calling
The promise has been stolen
My disease, everlasting
Let me dream forever
My soul to take
Come and get it
Lost in here, I?m nothing
Tie my hands
Let me feel alive one more time

Can you feel it?
Don?t you know there is no time?
Can you feel it?
Don?t you know there is no time?

Can you feel it?
Don?t you know there is no time?
Can you feel it?
Don?t you know there is no time?

Never let it go?

Can you feel it?
Don?t you know there is no time?
Can you feel it?
Don?t you know there is no time?


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Fragments of faith di Lacuna Coil:


La canzone Fragments of faith si trova nell'album Karmacode uscito nel 2005 per EMI music.

Copertina dell'album Karmacode, di Lacuna Coil

L'articolo Lacuna Coil - Fragments of faith testo lyric di Lacuna Coil è apparso su il 2001-01-22 00:00:00


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