Laplastique - Overthinking part II testo lyric


I.Why is this
dark vibe breaking free and spreading around?
And you
cannot stop this music playing on the ground?
And me
and all of my shades are dying on this sound?
the saddest melody in this broken bound
Pre:If you feel sometimes alone
don’t hide yourself to the world
and scream outside all of your pain and sorrow
Stop this eternal destructive
dark and pessimistic scenery
a process used to be “Overthinking”
II.Why is this
Dark vibe chasing me and spreading around?
and you
cannot stop this music playing on this sound?
and me
and all of my shades are dying on the sound?
playing the saddest melody in this broken bound
If you feel sometimes alone
don’t hide yourself to the world
and scream outside all of your pain and sorrow
Stop this eternal destructive
dark and pessimistic scenery
a process used to be “Overthinking”
Bridge:Crawling back to all those hands
and touch me for pleasure
unknowing the end
and I was blind
I just wanted to be
away for a while
from all of my painsinging these rhymes
all together again
“if love is a red dress
well hang me in rags”
and I was blind
I just wanted to be
away for a while from all of my pain
If you feel sometimes alone
don’t hide yourself to the world
and scream outside all of your pain and sorrow
Stop this eternal destructive
dark and pessimistic scenery
a process used to be “Overthinking”


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Overthinking part II di Laplastique:


La canzone Overthinking part II si trova nell'album Matrioska uscito nel 2024 per Marche di Fabbrica, Pirames International.

Copertina dell'album Matrioska, di Laplastique

L'articolo Laplastique - Overthinking part II testo lyric di Laplastique è apparso su il 2022-05-10 00:32:54


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